Langenscheidt / Grey / Other


What if you could learn a new language without even trying? Now you can. When surfing the web, Langenscheidt dictionary shows the translation of a word related to a topic you are reading online during the tiny time slot it takes to load a new webpage.


Langenscheidt is the biggest publishing house for foreign languages in Europe. But their printed hard- and softcover dictionaries are being pushed out more and more by digital offers. Langenscheidt needed to catch up with the competition. They needed to find a completely new way to enthuse Internet users by their competence and innovative strength. To get there, we had to do more than just generating digital versions of their dictionaries but inventing a whole new product.


We developed an intelligent browser plugin, that uses the time it takes to load a website (on average 0.5 seconds) – a media space, that was never used before.

In this short moment, the software shows one single word including the translation. So click by click it teaches new vocabulary. The user can tailor the product to their own needs. They can choose between difficulty levels, languages, topics - and content-related learning. Depending on the kind of websites they visit, the software recognizes the content related terms and directly chooses vocabulary out of this context, e.g. sports-related phrases or politics.


Honours & Awards:

Cannes Lions Shortlist
ACD Europe 1x Silver Promotions & New Media, 1x Nomination Film & Radio
ADC Germany 2x Bronze 2x Shortlist


Agency: Grey Germany